Original thriller Flesh and Blood is a modern story of three adult siblings, exploring universal themes of relationships, trust, loyalty and love against the backdrop of the build-up to, and aftermath of, a tragic crime. The already dysfunctional lives of Helen, Jake and Natalie are thrown into disarray when their recently widowed mother Vivien declares shes in love with a new man. Their suspicions are heightened as retired surgeon Mark sweeps their mother off her feet, shifting her priorities away from her children. Years of secrets, lies, rivalries and betrayals come to the surface and threaten to blow apart everything theyve held dear. And through it all, Viviens overly attentive neighbour Mary quietly watches on, unhealthily attached to them all. With their large family home, inheritance and happy childhood memories all at risk, the siblings attempt to find out more about Mark. But will their long-buried grudges, complex relationships and complicated personal lives allow them to pull together? After all, our brothers and sisters can be our closest allies or our sworn enemies - often in the space of a heartbeat. And how will Mary play into this fractious situation, with her ongoing attempts to subtly involve herself in Viviens life?
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